Layout - Extra Options

I'm above on mobile, and to the left on larger devices.
I'm below on mobile, and to the right on larger devices.

See the Container Elements page for a basic explanation of layout directives.
To make your layout change depending upon the device screen size, there are other layout directives available:

API Activates when device
layout Sets default layout direction unless overridden by another breakpoint.
layout-xs width < 600px
layout-gt-xs width >= 600px
layout-sm 600px <= width < 960px
layout-gt-sm width >= 960px
layout-md 960px <= width < 1280px
layout-gt-md width >= 1280px
layout-lg 1280px <= width < 1920px
layout-gt-lg width >= 1920px
layout-xl width >= 1920px

Layout Margin, Padding, Wrap and Fill

Parent layout and this element have margins.
Parent layout and this element have padding.
Parent layout is set to fill available space.
I am using all three at once.

layout-margin adds margin around each flex child. It also adds a margin to the layout container itself.
layout-padding adds padding inside each flex child. It also adds padding to the layout container itself.
layout-fill forces the layout element to fill its parent container.

Here is a non-trivial group of flex elements using layout-wrap


layout-wrap allows flex children to wrap within the container if the elements use more than 100%.

Show & Hide

Use the show hide APIs to responsively show or hide elements. While these work similar to ng-show and ng-hide, these AngularJS Material Layout directives are mediaQuery-aware.

Only show on gt-sm devices.
Shown on small and medium.
Hidden on gt-sm devices.
Shown on small and medium size devices.
Hidden on gt-md devices.
Shown on medium size devices only.
Shown on devices larger than 1200px wide only.

hide (display: none) show (negates hide) Activates when:
hide-xs show-xs width < 600px
hide-gt-xs show-gt-xs width >= 600px
hide-sm show-sm 600px <= width < 960px
hide-gt-sm show-gt-sm width >= 960px
hide-md show-md 960px <= width < 1280px
hide-gt-md show-gt-md width >= 1280px
hide-lg show-lg 1280px <= width < 1920px
hide-gt-lg show-gt-lg width >= 1920px
hide-xl show-xl width >= 1920px